mineral weighing scales

+256 (0) 775 259 917 Gold-Diamond-Herb-Balance-Weight-Weighing-Scale-200g in Kampala Uganda

The desirable features of this scale are its multiple units, it’s small form factor, and its accuracy to 100th of a gram. If you want a scale to measure packages for figuring postage, this isn’t going to help you much. But if you want to weigh small things like coins, beads, small pieces, spices in a recipe, sugar in a strict diet, or whatever you may have in mind that needs high accuracy and low capacity, then this is really a nice scale; one of the best.

+256 (0) 775 259 917 Digital-Pocket-Scale-Portable-LCD-Electronic-Jewelry-Scale Kampala Uganda

The Blade is so named because of the little section of the body which swings out to reveal the display and the operational buttons. It is held shut by a mechanism that locks or releases when you press it in, so shutting and opening “the Blade” involve the same motion: pushing in on the top of the swing-out “blade” section until you hear the “click-click” of its release or lock.

+256 (0) 775 259 917 buy X0-01g-Pocket-Jewelry-Weight-Scales in Wandegeya Kampala Uganda

The marketing company which sells this Chinese device in America is AMS: American Weigh Scales, Inc., which is the company that sells most of the small scales that I actually like. The Blade is a very nice scale with no real down gradable issues, so I give it 5 stars out of 5. Treat it with care as you would any precision instrument,

+256 (0) 775 259 917 Electronic-LCD-Display-Mini-Digital-Scales-100-200-300-500g in Wandegeya Uganda

The scale is 3.75″ square by .830″ (13/16″) tall. Metric dimensions: 95.2 mm square x 21.73 mm tall. With its lid on, it fits comfortably in your pocket. There is a 2nd tray/cover which will make it slightly larger, but I find it hard to get the scale out of that form-fitting square plastic cover, as there are no grooves or handles to grab it with.

+256 (0) 775 259 917 Mineral weighing scales for Accurate Weighing Scales weighing range 0 – 300g x 1g / 300 – 600g x 2g / 600 – 1200g x 1g in Kampala Uganda

Note that these are small weights, and while the scale is accurate to a hundredth of a gram, its small capacity makes it unsuitable for a general household scale. What weighs 100 grams or less? Three silver dollars, but not four. Three AA batteries, but not four. 52 Pepsid antacid tablets, but not 53. A small, glass (59 ml) Tabasco Sauce bottle — empty, but not filled. About ⅞ stick of butter, but not the whole stick. A leather glove, but not a pair. 40 shiny pennies, but not 41.